Friday, 31 December 2010

Three more seed pods opened today:-
(Sanguinea X Amethyst 3/09) X Hurstwood Bryony) £10 for 6
Arborea 'Engelsglockchen X Wildfire £10 for 6 Sold out
Hurstwood Bryony X Amethyst £10 for 6 (High hopes of these)
I have not tested these yet to ensure they are viable but they look OK


roxxanne said...

What do you take for payment, PayPal??
I want 6 of each!

roxxanne said...

Ooooooo, I just spotted your list form yesterday. Ok, now I have to decide which I want. I'm drooling!!

Alan said...

Hi Rox
Sorry I have only just seen your comment!
Paypal is preferred (even though they charge a fortune!)
Can you send me an email with your requirements please. They are selling out quickly!