Last year,a friend (Tom Hulse) sent me 2 seeds which a friend of his had collected in Ecuador, these are seeds from a Vulcanicola (mother) and presumed a Sanguinea (father).Both seeds germinated but sadly one damped off leaving me just one seeding.
Thankfully this survived and here it is in bloom.
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Hi Alan! I haven't been on here in a couple months, I've been so busy. These are all gorgeous! I really like this one from the Equadorian seed.
I only got 1 seedling from all those seeds I got from you. I think I had them too warm, and that one seedling I think I killed with kindness. But I'm not one to give up. Next time you have seeds let me know I'd like to purchase some more.
Keep up the good work!
Oh No Rox.
That's devastating :-( I'm so sad for you.
It will be the end of the year now before I have anymore pods mature.
Sorry you lost them all.
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