Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Hurstwood Sunshine

I have just submitted a new CV for publication.
Meet Hurstwood Sunshine. she has a very large bloom (for a Sphaero) and a dazzling bright Yellow bloom. A strong grower who blooms early on small plants.
Hope you like her?


Horticultothérapie said...

Nice one again Alan!!!...Great green serrated leaves!!!The CV is aptly named with that bright sunny yellow flowers who capture all the attention.

And what a great success your Hannah with this explosion of flowers. Maybe your garden is brighter than the grey and rainy UK weather!!!

My first flower of Mobisu X Hurstwood Bow has open this week (one of the 3 hybrid that I got).
I let you the HTML for the picture. I think it's a great one with sent in addition.

Best Regards
Sébastien Chalifour

Alan said...

Hi Sébastien

That's great news that Mobisu X Hurstwood Bow has fragrance:-)

Thanks for the nice comments about the 2 new one's and yes, Hurstwood Hannah looks stunning.